V I S I T  M Y



After 4 years I revisited again the Meeting of Styles Wiesbaden in Germany to reunite with old friends and new ones! 

Painting the very same spot like 2020's but this time with some extra space I freestyle painted another vertical format Style. It was three scaffolds tall and it took me almost two days to complete, it's probably one of the fastest pieces I ever painted in terms of size! Shout out to @alexandertadlock , @saltemrk and all the good folks sharing the wall this Year!

It was a blast to be part of @int_meetingofstyles for a second time! Hope I will be able to paint there again someday!

Also Thanks @manu.gsa for all the action photos once again!


' L O S T '

Because of Graffiti I get to travel and see the World and this was the most far I ever been from home!

Lost in Indonesia and found amongst amazing people and Artists from all around the globe for the Meeting of Styles Indonesia was one of the best lifetime experiences I ever had!

Their hospitality and the local culture made us feel like home!

I started drawing my design during the 18hour flight time from Amsterdam to Dubai and then to Yogyakarta, I arrived few days before the event and I got inspired by wandering around the streets and local shops! The vibes this place gave me made me finalize my sketch which I painted next to the young bro @udissnd from Bali with a theme colour given for the wall I was allocated.

We also had the chance to visit the @belazoartpaint factory which was the main paint sponsor of the event and tried their products before hand on a rooftop of the facility!

So many other things happened during my trip to Indonesia and I can't thank the team of @meetingofstylesindo enough for everything they provided for us during our stay! 

I will upload a vlog video of the events in Indonesia on my Youtube channel soon - Stay tuned!


I got invited to paint on a private Jam organised by @mister_oreo_39 at Duisburg, Germany for his Birthday!

With lots of good vibes and nice people around that I haven't seen for a while or met before we painted a whole hall of fame with a theme colour given dedicated to Mr.Oreo's special day!

It was a pleasure, Until next time!

' K I S S  T H E  S K Y ' | HAVEN JAM, BELGIUM 2024

I've been invited to Paint in another Great Festival this time in Belgium!

'Haven Jam' is organised by @wallin_9000 and @spray.play who was also the main sponsor of the event, in probably one of the longest Graffiti walls in Europe that is located in the port of Antwerp.

The 3 days event hosted over 100 international Artists, unfortunately I could only make it there just for the last day and somehow still managed to freestyle paint a piece within 6/7 hours on the last empty spot remained - turned out to be on the list with 'my top favourites' works of all time!

Thank you for keeping a spot for me until the very last moment and having me paint there, it was a pleasure!

Also Thanks @manu.gsa for all the action photos!

' B E A U T Y ' | SNUZ, 2024

Kicking off 2024 with a freestyle piece for @kingsofcolors Graffiti Jam in Netherlands!

After a long Winter of non-stop grind and lots of hard times, I finally found the chance to pick up Graffiti again where I left it off months ago...What people can't see is all the things I have to do behind the scenes on a daily basis in order to be able to do my passion, create Art...

But this is the 'Beauty' of Life working towards your Dreams and someday get to do all the things that makes you Happy!

Thanks for having me, I had a great time!

B E E N  O N

As another Year comes to an end I find myself being in a foreign Country away from home once again..that should be the last house I change for this Year as I started 2023 living in USA following from France, travelling around Europe all Summer and ending up in Netherlands.

With all the things I've been on I realised it's been 20 Years since I started this Journey of being Graffiti Writer and Artist and no matter how hard it was sometimes and how many times I thought to give up this Dream, I'm glad I didn't..

Because of this culture I am who I am to this day, this was the reason to get up every morning and keep chasing these dreams, that was the reason I travelled so far from home and made all these things happen, to share memories with people from all around the world and experience all that...

I owe everything to my passion for making Art, to the inspiration I get from every place I been to... my great interest to explore and see the World!

To seize this Year up I wanna Thank everyone that helped me through and supported me to this Journey, for all the lessons I've learned - sometimes the hard way sometimes for my own mistakes..

For all that I am grateful because that made me who I am and without them I wouldn't be here today! 

Happy new Year and may 2024 brings that passion and purpose to your life's too, cause I know I have find mine! 



' G R A F F I T I  O N  T H E  T R A I N '  | OVERGRILL JAM 2023

I got invited to paint a Train at @overgrill_jam in Salzburg - Austria, borders of Germany which was my last tour and last piece of this Year!

Painting Graffiti on Trains is every Writers wild Dream, it's something so special and magical in the same time for us to paint on a Train surface that I can't explain! Not only I had the chance to paint on a Train but also got asked on the spot if I could paint what we call 'a whole car' that means a whole wagon from start to finish.

Of course my adrenaline kicked in and I accepted the Challenge! This was the first train I ever got to paint in my career and my first whole car in the same time! I freestyle painted everything within 2 days with some extra letter added to the next wagon in order to keep company my dude's piece @spliff_one !

Couldn't choose a better closure for 2023 than this!

Thanks a lot for the hospitality and I hope to paint more Trains with you in the Future!

All my tours of this Year has been recorded and will be posted in vlog episodes on my Youtube channel - Subscribe and Stay tuned!

' M E E T I N G  O F  S T Y L E S  B E L G I U M '  | ANTWERP 2023

My Style for @meetingofstylesbelgium in collaboration with the talented Artist from Mexico @jamer_yunuen !

I first met Jamer in Mos Poland which she was also participating few weeks before Mos Belgium, while she was on a euro tour with her friends I had the chance to meet her again and this time she was painting next to my wall!

She came and asked me if I wanted to have a collaboration in order to create consistency between our pieces which turned out to be one of my favourite walls of all time!

 It was really amazing to paint with you and hope to see you again in the future!

Also Special Thanks to all the team of Mos Belgium for having me and selecting me for this year's festival!


' M E E T I N G  O F  S T Y L E S  P O L A N D '  |  LUBLIN 2023

My 2nd and main piece for the @meetingofstylespoland next to my guy @spant_one !

That one was challenging enough trying to avoid the rain and painting in a time limit before the storm hits again but overall everyone pulled it through and completed their piece ! 

Once again thanks the organiser for hosting us in this year's Mos we all had a blast! 

Can't wait to get back to Poland!

' C H A S E  T H E  C L O U D S  A W A Y '  |  LUBLIN, POLAND 2023

The tour continues...together with my brother @spant_one we visited Lublin for the @meetingofstylespoland !

It was the first time I ever visited Poland and since I got invited through an online application for the festival I didn't know in person who the main organizer was, by surprise I realized I've met 'Lukasz' before many years ago in a Meeting of Styles in Greece around 2014! We had a great time back then and I still remember him mention he is the organiser of Mos Poland and inviting me and my crew to attend but never had the chance to travel there and had lost his contact over all this time until now!

 Meeting of Styles Poland has a pre-wall session before the main event that selected Artist paints every Year and I had the pleasure to freestyle Paint between @spant_one and @mhr_heny

Special thanks to the organisation for hooking us up with this extra spot!

' M E E T I N G  O F  S T Y L E S  K O S O V O ' |  PRISTINA 2023

My Style for @mos_kosovo 2023 edition with my boy @spliff_one !

It's always a pleasure going back to Kosovo, this was my 3d time participating in this event and although I didn't have any plan for the wall since I signed in the very last moment I decided to freestyle paint the whole thing which turned out better than I expected!

With over 100 artist painting this time there was only limited walls left so Once again thanks Agon and Cebient for the great organisation and for selecting me, also all the volunteers keeping us alive under the heat with good food and drinks and last but not least all the people involved to make this event so special!

Happy to see everyone again and meet new people for the first time, till the next one !

' C R I M S O N  S K I E S ' | LISBON, PORTUGAL 2023

Second freestyle Quickpiece I painted in Lisbon, that was one of the rare pieces I felt like expressing the most since long time ago! Kinda missed that feeling that got me into Graffiti and Art in the first place and that's to be able to express myself through my Art...

That was also the last day of my trip to Portugal, after a week surfing and exploring I was really exhausted but also inspired of all the sunsets and warm vibes I received during this tour!

Thanks Portugal it's been a blessing and can't wait to get back someday!

' P O S T  B L U E ' | LISBON, PORTUGAL 2023

My next tour for this Summer will bring me in Portugal, one of my dream destinations for 2023!

Portugal was always one of the places I wanted to visit the most, not only for it's culture, natural beauty and the good weather but also for Surfing! I spend over a week in Cascais and trained by experienced surfers while met with lots of cool people during my stay at a surf camp!

 Of course I could not pass the opportunity to paint in a new Country, which I did my first freestyle quick piece at a hall of fame in Lisbon!

' S N U Z  X  S P A N T ' | LIVADIA, GREECE 2023

Back in Greece for a minute, I decided to visit one of my best friends @spant_one in his hometown for some Graffiti action before we hit the Summer tours and festivals!

This time we decided to blend our Styles together into one mural in order to paint a 20m long wall! 

The whole process was freestyle from design to colours and even thought we had to make every decision on the spot while painting next to each other letter by letter, surprisingly it turned out a great idea for us to put two different styles into one piece and I'm looking forward to make more collaborations like this in the future!

' S O U L  O N  F I R E ' | OSIJEK CROATIA 2023

After the battle jam in Osijek we gathered in a wall space provided by the organisers to paint a last quick piece before we part ways and say Goodbyes! This one next to @helloiamrebus and @ypsilon.walls 

Special thanks to everyone showed up!


 Earlier this year I've been invited to participate in a Graffiti battle in Osijek, Croatia organised by @osjeckatvornicaideja and supported by @sugarfactorygr. Although the whole project was something new to me I accepted the challenge!

 With only 20 Artists selected we had to tag with one more Artist to make in total 10 teams. Each team was given 20 spray paint and a letter with the topic one hour before the battle! The topic was ''How you imagine the world in 50 years from now'' and we had to include every colour given, letters, characters and background! The artwork should be completed in total of 4 hours and every surface was given by a random draw (bus or tram).

 Lucky enough to pull the surface I wanted the most me and @sec_nsk we painted the middle of a tram and came up with the idea to include the word 'Evolution' and the character from 'Terminator' movies! Each artwork was voted by the other teams and the judges of the event at the end. Every team killed it and it was a very close call but we won the 3d place which included gifts from sponsors and money prize!

That was for sure one of the most unique events I've been so far and felt like home from start to finish! Thank you all for the hospitality and hopefully we all meet again some day!

' O U T  O F  T H E  S K Y ' | AGRINIO, GREECE 2023

Back in my hometown in Greece for a short time, I visited one of my usual painting spots for a fresh freestyle piece in order to try new ideas and practice for upcoming events! Since my schedule this winter was super busy for me to paint at a regular basis, this piece would be an important session.

Always good to be home! This is where everything started and its a place for me to regroup and prepare for whats Coming next!

' N Y  S T Y L E ' | NEW YORK, USA 2023

Never in my wildest Dreams I thought I would be painting New York this Year! Graffiti originally started in NY so it was normal for me to want to paint in this City one day!

So I been there and done that!

After searching a while for a spot to paint, I ended up in Brooklyn which they provided me a spot by 56thames. Getting a spot in NY (if you're from outside) is not a simple game especially if you're looking for safe hoods and legal walls, so BIG thanks to Minus One and again Profeamina for hooking me up!

I freestyle Painted my Name in Brooklyn and left my mark overseas once again! 

The whole trip to NY felt like a movie - This piece is dedicated to Erin!


While chasing down for 'free' walls to paint around Philly I came in contact with Profeamina who had a permission on a huge spot which she organises and hosts Graffiti Festivals and events every year, she only asked if I could paint a lighthouse next to my piece as a tribute to 'Virgen' a lady that lived in that street and passed away due to a car accident. 

Virgen's family was looking for someone to paint this for a while and even though I've never done anything like this before, it was an honour to be the Artist to make it happen! I hope this Lighthouse gives her family some encouragement and happiness through this memorial painting.

The whole process was freestyle and since I run out of time that day I managed to paint everything within 4 hours. 

Thanks so much for everyone involved and helping out !


If you would tell me that my first piece of 2023 will be in USA I probably wouldn't believe you! An opportunity came up for me to visit the states for a period of 3 months, life can get crazy good sometimes!

I got the chance to visit a few places while in USA one of them was Philly which I freestyle painted the first piece of the year together with one of the locals finest writer Repoz. I also got to accomplish one of my craziest dreams, to run up the stairs of Rocky - my favourite movies of all time which inspired and motivated me in every way while I was younger and Champion in Taekwondo!

 ' H A P P Y  N E W  Y E A R '

2 0 2 3

Another Year has gone by, and what a Great year 2022 it was! 

I swear to God every year passing seems faster and faster than the previous one, is it because we getting older or is it just that time flies...

 2022 was something worthy to look back to, for all the things I achieved and learned and for how much I grew and evolved in every hard moments during that time I am more than Grateful it made me a better version of myself!

 Surpassing my limits last year, sleeping about 3-4 hours a day for months I've put the hard work first and the rest was rewarding in every way! 

 Last Year I travelled from France to Spain Painted in 4 different cities, saw new places and met new cultures and people! I came back to Greece for Caps N' cans Festival that took place in a beach and enjoyed my summer time with Family and friends only to get back later for the Meeting of Styles Greece in Thessaloniki which hosted by Street Mode Festival and had the time of my life painting with artist from all around the World, met once again old friends and made new ones! Last highlight of the Year was to paint again in Paris before I fly to Tenerife in the canary Islands which I surfed for the first time and fell in love with the sport, relaxed and enjoyed the beach under the hot sun in November and paraglide from the mountains of the island!

 Go chase these dreams or whatever you're after! Start this Year, start today and just be what you dreaming, hard work pays off!

' S M A L L W A L L '  | PART 2

Last Year I painted the smallest wall ever from smallwallofficial! This year I painted the double wall edition with Molotow fluo Acrylics that glows under UV-lights. 

You can check the full process in the video below:

' D R E A M  I N  G R E Y ' | CANVAS 120X80

Spray paint on 120x80cm Canvas using only shades of grey. Revisiting my old style of abstract paintings after long time, I cannot describe how expressive and satisfying it is to paint in this particular way! Looking forward to make more canvas in the future!

If you would like an abstract painting like this Contact me!

' S N U Z  X  N U S H ' | PARIS 2022

My second piece in Paris and last mural of the Year will be with my dear Friend Nush, Together we came up with a Crazy collaboration idea that we freestyle painted in under 5 hours! With many good vibes and memories out of this session I am looking forward for more collabs like this in the future!

Till next Year!

P A R I S  F R A N C E | AUTUMN 2022

Back in Paris, France for a quick session on a very sunny Autumn day revisiting the very same spot from my Summer tours and repainting the exact same wall just because! Did I do better this time?

Video from this session and all my journeys will follow - keep an eye and Subscribe to my Youtube channel!

' G R A F F I T I  D A Y ' | THESSALONIKI 2022

Follow up from 'Meeting of Styles' SKG we got invited for an after-party action on an abandoned crazy location. We spend the day painting a few quick-pieces and having fun! Cheers to all the people showed up on this nice day!

Shout out to Shuens for organising this session!


Meeting of Styles coming in Greece once again after many years! This time is hosted by the Street Mode Festival which I participated for the 3d time over the years and always having a blast visiting! Besides the Graffiti part Street Mode is packed with many live stages, extreme sports, breakdance battles and even more that makes the festival a very unique experience!

With many participants Artist from all over Europe the area is covered with amazing Murals within the 3 days of the event. Meeting new people and sharing Art is always exciting for me, I had some crazy moments and funny experiences during this weekend which will remain unforgettable!

' H E A T  W A V E '  |  KAVALA 2022

After returning to Greece from a long European tour I visited Kavala for the @cosmopolisfestival and the Graffiti Jam @capsncans_2014. The event took place in a sunny beach which I painted prolly my quickest piece ever surviving the heat between Graffiti Artists @merlin_graffiti @bzks_art and @spant_one. Combining my favourite two things in the world - Sea and Graffiti spend an amazing day with old friends and new! 

Thanks @george_kitsoukakis for the invitation, Cheers to every artist and all the people I met there, Until next time!

'E A Z Y' | MADRID 2022

Last stop of the tour will find me in the capital of Spain, Madrid. Exhausted from being weeks in the road travelling and painting I really pushed myself to find the energy to do this last one piece. Again the whole thing was freestyle painted in under 4 hours achieving my mission for this tour. 

 Everyone sees the results but not what it takes to get there, another one in the map for me! Took my Graffiti game from a small town in Greece all around Europe all by myself.

If it was Easy everyone would do it!

' M I L E S ' | BARCELONA 2022

After being many days on the road already I travelled from France to Spain to visit Barcelona for the very first time! Probably my favourite location of this Tour and one more check on my bucket list! 

 Once again I freestyle painted a quickpiece in one of the most urban spots for skating and legal graffiti walls (hall of fame) the Jardin de les tres Xemeneies or Gardens of the three chimneys. This piece made me think of how many 'miles' I've made because of Graffiti and how many more I've yet to go! 

 Graffiti gives me motivation and purpose to be the best version of myself everyday, always grateful for everything I achieved so far and hopefully I will be able to keep doing this for years!

' S O L A R  E C L I P S E ' | LYON 2022

Following up from Paris my next destination in France will be Lyon a very beautiful City by the river with 2000 years of history! For the session of this trip I collaborated with the Mexican Artist Huereck who now lives in Lyon and we met before in the Meeting of Styles - Kosovo during 2020! Together we painted a Freestyle Mural in under 4 hours and spend the rest of the day in the streets of the City sharing stories and laughs!

One thing I love about doing Graffiti is all the people I meet along the way and the bonds we create, no matter where we come from or who we are we all share the same passion about what we do and Art ! 

Cheers to all the good times, the things we share and the things to come!

' D R E A M  I N  M O T I O N ' | PARIS 2022

Second piece in Paris, France and second freestyle in a row! I was challenging myself to make every piece on the spot for this tour in order to develop new ideas and create new things with the only limit being the time! I had less than 5 hours again to complete this piece I think I've made it in 4...

 'Dream in motion' is something that describes my lifestyle being on the road and moving all the time for the last years visiting over 10 countries and countless cities in order to achieve my goals and dreams. For me this is inspiration and energy to keep building, one step at a time..reaching further and further!

' F L O W  L I K E  A  R I V E R ' | PARIS 2022

Starting on Tour this Summer with my first stop being in Paris, France where I painted a freestyle quickpiece under 5 hours in a lovely Hall of Fame spot by the river. First time painting in Paris and France in general for sure the City was something to see and magical to experience as they say! 

More content will follow with vlog videos from all the tour on my Youtube channel!

' S T Y L E  I N  T H E  C I T Y ' |  SNUZ 2022

One time for the City..My City! 

Painted this mural in my hometown, Agrinio last April in good company of local Artists: Usic, Spark, Bask and friends.

This time I didn't follow the usual recipe of just painting my 4 letters SNUZ, instead I decided to mix and cut them to achieve a different perspective and dynamic into my piece. Looking forward to experiment more with this idea in the future! Until the next time!

Big Thanks to @raw.damage once again for shooting, recording and editing the whole session!

' L A V E N D E R ' | SNUZ 2022

I had a surprise visit by my friend Spant in my hometown during winter and we decided to paint a wall together as a tribute for our friend Sotiris. Always a good time painting with my bro Spant!

Special thanks to @raw.damage for shooting, recording and editing the whole session!

They say the good die young..I never met anyone so kind like you...This one is dedicated to our beloved friend Seme. Rest in Heaven, we will meet again...

' J I N X  W A S  H E R E ' | ARTWORK 2022

Mixed media on 50x70 paper. Inspired by Arcane Show on Netflix.

Special effects Appears under Uv-light.

Photography @raw.damage


X O |  ARTWORK 2022



Photography @raw.damge


' C O N C R E T E  J U N G L E ' | SEPTEMBER 2021

One year ago I discovered this amazing Abandoned location in my hometown. 

The wall full of bricks inspired me to paint a freestyle piece οr two looking like one which turned out to be one of my favourites styles of all time! 

Love it when the idea and the spot works out like this!

Photography and Videography by @raw.damage

' D I R E C T I O N S ' | LAST PIECE OF 2021

I've Painted this piece late 2021, since this was my last Piece of the year I wanted to experiment with new ways to paint my Style. As an artist I often get ideas of different ways on how to approach my work and which Direction I should get with my Art each time.


One year ago I had the pleasure to be interviewed by the film Director George Louridas in my hometown - Agrinio about my work as a Graffiti Artist for his Project "Πρόσωπα της Πόλης'

You can watch the interview below (Greek only) 

' H A P P Y  N E W  Y E A R '

  2 0 2 2

2021 - The Year of Lessons.

Last Year was the Year of Lessons for me! From start to finish I was in a tough place facing all kind of problems in order to reach my goals. Living off a suitcase and chasing Dreams all around Europe working here and there, sleeping on couches, hostels, airbnb, hotels.. Been Challenged in every way but made it through another Great year! I am so grateful for every hard time and all the things 2021 taught me, they say there is no growth if you don't step outside your 'Comfort Zone' anyway.

2021 gave me the opportunity to visit and Paint new Countries, meet lots of cool People, shared memories and stories for days, develop even further myself and my Art and Finally started my first ever eshop

Some of these things would not be possible without your support and love over the Years, so Thank you for every way you supported me along this Journey!

Let's Go 2 0 2 2

' O N  F I R E ' | SWEDEN, MALMO 2021

Followed up the MOS CPH I decided to travel to Malmö, Sweden to spend a day with my friend Gonzo that I met during my summer tours, we painted a Hall of fame Wall in the City's center in company with other local Artists. The whole session was a Freestyle piece based on my Abstract Styles which is 'on Fire' while Gonzo piece its 'in the Rain'. I enjoy these sessions the most during my travels cause I don't have to focus that much in my Artworks but Chill and have fun while Painting with friends.

Till next time!

' M E E T I N G  O F  S T Y L E S ' | COPENHAGEN 2021

' B L O O M '

Summer time is over but there's still one more festival to go before I wrap this years up. My final tour will be for the Meeting of Styles, Copenhagen 2021. This was my first time ever visiting Denmark and participate in this Festival, it was an amazing experience to paint between so many talented Artists and the people I met was very welcome and nice. Copenhagen on it's own was very beautiful and inspiring City with historical buildings and modern structures...I really enjoyed my time exploring around!

The event took place in Freetown Christiania which turned 50 this year and the Organizers recommended the Artists to use a specific color scheme to celebrate this occasion. Once again I had no plan for my final design so I freestyle painted my letters S,Z and included a rose in the middle of my Artwork, I called this piece 'Bloom' to represent something that started as a seed years ago and now is grown.

Special thanks to all the team involved in MOS cph and Shout out to all the people I met during these days that made this tour even more awesome!

After a lot of positive reactions for this Artwork I decided to make a Print release for the piece 'BLOOM' - You can find them on my eshop

S I C K O_M O D E_ | KAVALA, GR 2021

After being on the Road for over 10 days with two more Great festivals under my belt it was about time to get back home...or not! I just arrived in Greece when my sis called me to go meet her in Kavala, Greece where we spend few days together.

Of course I could not miss the chance to paint in a new location, so I painted a Freestyle Quick-piece leaving my name on the map once again! This piece took me under 2 hours to complete, no cuts, 9m wide mostly side techniques and based on my Abstract Styles.

' M E E T I N G  O F  S T Y L E S ' | ALBANIA 2021

' V I S I O N S '

Meeting of Styles Albania 1st edition was challenging but rewarding! Followed by Mos Kosovo and being on the road for a few days with the other Artists and People heading to the next festival I am having tons of fun, the only phrase it comes to mind when I think about these times is 'endless laughs'!

The challenging part was they had to relocate the festival the very last moment but the team behind MOS Albania pulled it through and got us new place in time to make the festival happen! With so many Artist followed from Kosovo the new location wasn't big enough for everyone so I forced to change my style formation to vertical in order to fit my given space and that was surprising rewarding for me, I loved how this Style turned out and I am looking forward to revisit this idea in the future!

These things happens during festivals that's why I usually don't prepare any final sketch for such events and I choose to go freestyle in order to have the best result fitting in every wall!

These two meetings will be unforgettable to me - Shout out to all the people I met during the 10days between Kosovo and Albania You guys killed it! Till next time!

' M E E T I N G  O F  S T Y L E S ' | KOSOVO 2021

' E S C A P Ǝ '

It's Summer, the heat burning my skin and it's time to go on my first Tour of the year! First stop will be once again for the Meeting of Styles - Kosovo, Pristina. I had a blast joining this festival for a second time in a row, with many more Artists participating in the 5th edition, it was something to remember for sure!

Shout out to the Organizers of the event for another Great Festival and big up to all the people I met during these days that made the event so special!

Videos of the whole Summer tour will be uploaded in my Youtube channel - Stay tuned!

' B A C K  T O  T H E  F U T U R E '

Earlier this Summer I painted a Retro Style Mural - You can Watch the 'Session' in the video below:

SNUZ | 2 0 2 1

' N I G H T  S E S S I O N S '


Earlier this Summer I had the chance to reunite with my Crew mate 'Zep' and Paint together after a very long time. We made the crew FREE-Z around 2012 in a period of time that I had almost given up being Graffiti Writer and we made the promise that if we keep doing it, we will have to be the best we can be! FREE-Z is more than a Graffiti Crew for us, is more like a code and promise that we have to keep that force us to be better and better at everything we do no matter what! Till next time bro!

Photography by @raw.damage

'S M A L L  W A L L'

SNUZ 2021

Recently I've Painted my smallest wall ever, created by @smallwallofficial. The wall size is: 11cm height, 25cm width and 1.5cm depth Painted with mixed Media.

' 1 8  Y E A R S '


Mixed media on Paper 65x33cm. 

This Drawing is dedicated to my 18th Anniversary in the Graffiti Game. You can purchase this original Artwork at my e-shop

- N o n - S t o p -


Day Three - third piece. This time I visited Utrecht, I spotted this location by accident some time ago, while I was moving around Netherlands and saved it on my maps. Again I freestyle the whole piece and it took me around 4-5 hours to complete.

Three days - Three Pieces completed. I will upload all the videos of every session during my time in Netherlands to my Youtube channel - Stay tuned and Subscibe!

' U N F I N I S H E D  B U S I N E S S '


Second day - second piece.  After visiting the STRAAT museum and got inspired by all the amazing Artworks, I painted again at NSDM-Hall of Fame. One year ago, I didn't get to finish my Piece there and it was covered the next day by another Artist. This time I decided to repaint the same exact wall Freestyle, but I managed to get it done in 4 hours. Video of the whole Session will be available - soon.

' M I D N I G H T '


After a few months off the walls I had the chance for a Quick spray-day in Amsterdam, at Flevopark-Hall of Fame. The whole piece took me three hours to complete, inspired by the midnight bicycle walks I had after work, thinking about Painting Graffiti again. I made the whole thing Freestyle at the spot.

Three Days, Three Pieces.

I have spend 3 days in Netherlands to focus on my Graffiti Skills, you can watch the whole sessions via my YouTube channel - soon.

'Step Up or Step Out'

NEW DRAWING | 2 0 2 1

Ink and Markers on Paper 65x33cm.

' B A C K  T O  S C H O O L '


Due the lockdown in Greece these days it's forbidden to go outside in general not to mention for doing Graffiti, I could only paint indoors at this time until my friend @31stillwriting invited me to his hometown Messolongi, for a School Project that was commissioned at the time so I filled my bag with cans and took off !

Thanks for the chance to hit a Spot during lockdown and all the Support during my Session! Until Next time !

' G U T S  O V E R  F E A R '

FREE-Z | 2 0 1 5


'Guts Over Fear' one of the most important FREE-Z productions I painted with my crew mate ZEP back to early 2015. Just a reminder what it takes to face yourself, your fears and find the guts to reach your true potential and goals, this still follows me today in everything I do.

' R E F L E C T I O N S '

NEW PAINTING | 2 0 2 1



2 0 2 1

This was a very challenging Year for everyone, with so many crazy things happening in the World I had to adapt to every situation, find new ways, learn and evolve. Loosing my job twice due to pandemic, I had to move back and forth between Countries in order to keep working for my Dreams. It was exhausting, frustrating but in the same time it made me a stronger person. I still made it through as my most successful year as a Graffiti Artist and by the end of the day I just made the ' Best of it '.

Also I want to Thank you so much for your continued support, I am grateful for every single follower I get through social media, my subscribers on YouTube and every visitor in my Website coming daily. Thank you for Supporting my Work !

Goodbye 2020, you made us stronger !

2021 Let's do This !

' A L P H A  O M E G A '


I painted this Mural back to September 2020, combining two words the 'ALPHA - OMEGA' into ' what I call - Dual Style. Definitely a Style I am into lately and looking forward to develop more in the future. Photography and Video by @angelos_stamatis_photography

This video is dedicated in Memory of one of the first Writers and Mentor from my hometown - Agrinio.

Rest in Peace Okso81.

' W I C K E D  G A M E '

NEW DRAWING | 2 0 2 0


' V I S I O N S  O F  F U T U R E '


My final stop for this Summer tour will be at Wiesbaden for the international Meeting Of Styles in Germany. The hype and anticipation for this event was extremely high with lots of Writers and Artists joining this year's festival even with the circumstances of covid.

The theme for 2020's edition will be 'The Visions Of Future' which every Artist painted their vision, to cover the huge underpass. Due to corona the event didn't go public or had any other live shows and the real dates remained secret among the participants to avoid gathering of large crowds.

For the part of my Vision I had the chance to collaborate with @mateartist @honsar_art @dirtysix6 who created the Giant Characters around My Style. Special thanks to Manuel for the invitation and delivering the MoS in Germany for another Year - Shout out to @spant_one who also participated and being my partner in Crime for this trip, it was such a Great experience!

I will be releasing the videos from the whole Summer tour on my Youtube channel - Soon.

Here's my interview for the Meeting Of Styles Online Magazine.
The YouTube Livestream interviews and action from Wiesbaden.

' B L U E  S K I E S '


This Year I have been selected to Participate in several festivals around Europe, most of them postponed for the next Year due to covid-19. One of them that luckily hasn't canceled was the international Meeting Of Styles in Kosovo, that took place in Pristine with less Artists than usual to avoid the mass of public and make it possible to happen in a safe way.

With lots of space available this Year, I was able to paint a second quicker Piece with a few other great Artists the last day of the event.

I can't thank the organization enough for the hospitality and the safety that provided us to Paint in this Year's edition, definitely I had a blast !

' W H A T S  P O P P I N '


Another Quarantine Mural Session painted back in June. You can watch the progress in the Video below - Consider Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more videos coming up!

' S P O T L I G H T '


I painted this Mural during quarantine around May, covering one of my oldest pieces back from 2016 in my hometown, Agrinio City. Watch the 'making of' in the Video Below.

Interior Design | Grill House


As much as I love painting outdoors, I love painting indoors as well! With a different approach from the outside Murals, you can change the dynamic of the interior with a design of Art.

We had no plan about the decoration of the place, I went straight and freestyle the whole thing and the result came up very satisfying for me and the owner.

Thanks for the trust!

' S T Y L E  Ε X P R Ξ S S '

ATHENS | 2 0 2 0

Over the last days of Summer I've been touring for the Meeting of Styles: Kosovo and Germany, with a quick stop to ATH between the two events, I was able to Paint once again with Mortes Crew: Spant - Platon - Seme and Special guest Epsilon ! We made a quick freestyle Production wall in less than 6 hours and hit our Mark into the Hall of Fame in Athens. Footage of Video will follow via my YouTube Channel Soon !

' F E E L S  L I K E  S U M M E R '

NEW ARTWORK | 2 0 2 0


Looks like another Crack in the Wall - this Painting inspired by my latest Wall painted in Hilis Hall Of Fame under the heat of the Summer sun the moment day embrace night.

' A N O T H E R  B R I C K  I N  T H E  W A L L '


 25 Years ago, at September 1995 a big group of People from all over the Greece gathered in front of the Walls in Hilis, Thessaloniki - popular Hall of Fame of the famous SGB crew - Skra Ghetto Boys in the day light, without any permission to write History!

 The Biggest Greek Graffiti Meeting is recorded that day in the Walls of Apollon Stadium in Kalamaria - '' The event was so massive that the police and the municipality think that the children have been given permission to cover hundreds of meters of wall with paint ''

Read more about it here !

 The history Repeats 25 years Later, after the call of the most iconic Graffiti Writer in Greece Jasone, that Brings People from all over the Greece, to Paint the same Walls during the Weekend of 18/19 July for the Sunday Styles Graffiti Jam , Old school and New school Writers Meets once Again!

'' I feel so honored to be part of this and leaving my mark in these legendary and important walls for the Greek Graffiti Culture! '' 

' S K E T C H I N G '

2019 | 2020

Biggest part of being Graffiti Writer is Sketching. I use to draw a lot in order to find the right formats and the best connections between my letters - often I leave sketches unfinished and jump into new ones, as soon as a new idea pops out in my head. I've started this one back to early 2019 and left it unfinished until now.

Looking through my sketches I can always find something that I can turn into a fresh idea.

' S N U Z S T I L L F R E E '


Some of you may have known already, that lately I've been running a YouTube account - if not, now you've noticed! Get a taste first hand of my Work and my Journey through my Videos 

I've also prepared a few Playlists down below - you can click in them to go directly and Watch videos by Categories.

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE like and even Share or maybe drop a Comment!


' A F T E R  T H E  R A I N '

NEW WALL | 2 0 2 0

'' And even though times seem bad It always rains before the rainbow ''

' O U T L I N E S '

AMSTERDAM | 2 0 2 0

Due to Covid-19 spread across the World many people including me forced to leave their jobs and daily life, before returning back to Greece my last adventure in Netherlands will find me painting at Nsdm Werf - Hall of Fame. Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to  properly complete my piece and it was covered the very next day by another Writer. Since I've managed to capture some flicks with just the 'Outlines' of my Letters on Wall I decided to digital finish it in a manner of how I would approach it on the actual mural.

' 1 2 3 '



' V I B E S '

NEW PAINTING | 2 0 2 0


' O F F  M Y  M I N D '

NEW PAINTING | 2 0 2 0


' B E F O R E  D A W N '

Leeuwarden | Netherlands

If you were asking me where I'll be this September, I could never imagine it would be in the Netherlands. 

2019 was full of challenges, staying out of the comfort zone and moved into two different countries within a year was hard to focus as an Artist but very important to develop and evolve as a person. Fast pace decisions and risks with one thing leading to another I moved to NL. ' Before Dawn ' its a Freestyle piece I painted in the Capital City of Friesland to express that every day is a New and you never know what tomorrow will bring you.

A U T U M N  2 0 1 9

' F R E E - Z  X  S N U Z '

ATH | 2 0 1 9

Back to Athens, Greece for a short time during the hottest period of the Year I had the chance to paint once again in one of the City's Hall of Fame. Two Years ago I painted there two styles FREE-Z and SNUZ, this time I combined these words into one piece. Thanks Mortes Crew for joining along this Summer Day. 

Until the next One!

' M E D U S A '


Story continues..a broken deal and the chance to paint in Yard5 Festival lead me to Berlin this summer, life is Grand!

The biggest challenges I face as an Artist is to work different jobs in order to raise money to create my art, long shifts boring people can take your focus away and hold you back. It's that time again that you gonna have to make the tough decision, choosing time instead of money and realize what matters the most to you.

Landed in Berlin made me inspired again by the moment I walked around the City, Graffiti is literally everywhere and it only makes sense how this is one of the top places for Urban Art in the World. Walked in RAW-Gelande amazed by the Street Art and the Hundreds of People involved in Yard5 Festival hosted by Yard5 Graffiti Store I left my mark once again , followed by Mauer Park I painted a Quick-Piece in one of the City's most famous Hall of Fame.

S U M M E R  2 0 1 9

' 0 to 100 '

Munich Germany

This Year Started Unexpected and full of surprises for me, to make a long story short I end up in Germany for the upcoming Summer Season and I had the chance to Paint in Munchen Hall of Fame - Tumblingerstraße

' R 4 Z O R B L A D E '


Watch how I made this mural in this video

' S U R R E N D E R '



S P R I N G  2 0 1 9



W I N T E R  2 0 1 9

'GoodBye 2 0 1 8'

-End of a Cycle-

Leaving another mark in time with 2018 being one of my Greatest Year as an Artist and my 15th Anniversary of doing Graffiti. This was a very hard working year for me everything I accomplished based on pushing my limits to overcome obstacles working in daily base to create and achieve my goals the sacrifice was high stress levels, minimum free time and rest. 

2018 feels like the End of a Cycle for me and with everything I learned and being through so far I'm ready to face 2019 starting a New one. I can't wait to see what 2019 will bring every year is a Blessing, Go out there and chase your Dreams! 

My wish for 2019 is everyone to have better Luck! Something you can't have by just hard work and will! 

Happy New Year !!!


2 0 1 9

' GoodNight '

SNUZ 2018


' S T Y L E  H U N T E R '


Coming back Home after 1 year+ full of memories and experiences... It's been a long Ride! Always hunting for Style and always aiming for more! 

D E C E M B E R  2 0 1 8

' U N C H A R T E D '

- X -

N O V E M B E R  2 0 1 8

' B A D  G U Y '

Limassol CY

S E P T E M B E R  2 0 1 8

' S T R E E T  M O D E '

10th Anniversary

Street Mode Festival is one of the Biggest Street culture celebrations in Greece that's happening for over 10 years now in Thessaloniki. In 2014 've been selected to take part first time as a 'Young Blood' Line up of Graffiti Artists. 4 years Later I'm back for Street Mode 10th Anniversary, the 4day event occurred at Aug. 30 - Sep. 2 and hosted thousand of Visitors and Hundreds of Artists and Performers from Greece and abroad. 

I had Great time going back in Greece after almost one year, meeting with old and new friends, before I fly back I went for the After Party quick painting in an abandoned spot.

# U P F E S T 


One of the Largest Street Art & Graffiti Festival in Europe selected me as one of the first Artists to take Part at UPFEST's 10th Anniversary attracting over 400 artists that travels from 70 countries and across the UK to paint live on 60,000sqft of surfaces in front of 50,000 visitors painting 50 venues throughout Bedminster & Southville, Bristol. The event took place at 28th-30th July 2018. 

Flying Across the Europe all the way from Cyprus SNUZ current hometown and after switching three flights finally made it to Bristol UK to Paint for the UPFEST festival, no matter the weather and the continues rain that blocked Artists from painting and even stopped the festival activities from participate the last day at Southpark which SNUZ had allocated his space. He Managed to finish his Piece the second day in limited time and completed his work under these circumstances. The last day of his Time in Bristol after Meeting up with local and foreign Artists  into one of the citys Hall of Fame painted a quickpiece for the Road...

' R A I N  D R O P S '

SNUZ 2018


' E N D L E S S  S U M M E R '

SNUZ 2018


' S T I L L  F R E E '

Night Sessions

There's No Easy Way on Top, there's no Shortcuts through, hard work comes first and Sacrifices Required to Achieve. Still Free and I can imagine all my Dreams Coming True everytime I pushing caps or Draw a Line. 

B  E  L  I  E  V  E

' Ǝ C L 1 P S E '

Limassol Cy

New Techniques and Ideas Based on my Latest Paintings installed on my 4th Layer of my Style. From now on Sky is the Limit!

J  U  L  Y  2 0 1 8


Larnaca Cy

9th-10th June I Participated in an open space Exhibition at Finikoudes Square next to Sun Hall Hotel in Larnaca, organized by Blurred Magazine. Each Painting Reflects a Letter from my Tag S,N,U,Z painted on 61x76 Canvas using Mixed Media.

J  U  N  E  2 0 1 8

' B 0 R N  X  D Ǝ A T H '

New Drawing | Commission Work

I don't usually take Commissions for Tattoo Sketches but the idea to make a whole Leg theme from 'Born 2 Death' with my Style' was quite the Challenge!

A  P  R  I  L  2 0 1 8

- Commission Work -

' T  I  Μ  Ε ' 

New Painting | Mixed Media on 80x120 Canvas.

' Mysterious thing, Time. Powerful '

' O U T S I D E R '

March 2018

First Wall I've Painted in Limassol, Cyprus with the Support of the local and only Graffiti Shop 138store promoting Kobra Paint and Urban Disturbance Clothing.

Action Photography taken by Anna Kzd.

' W A L K  ON  W A T E R '

February 2018

New Painting | Mixed Media on 60x90 Canvas.

Earlier this Year I had the chance to take part in 'The Space Art for Charity' National Exhibition along with other Great Artists in Cyprus. The Event took Place in three different locations. 

Paphos: Almyra Hotel Opening Ceremony 17th/28th February
Limassol: Aphrodite Amathusia Culture Center 3d/8th March.
Nicosia: 1010 Hall Closing Ceremony 10th/17th March.

At the Last day of the Show an Auction was held with all money of the Paintings that sold going 100% to Pasykaf Cyprus for Charity against Cancer. 

Special Thanks 'The Space Art for Charity' for the Organization and the chance to use our Art for a Greater Cause.


' D u s k T o D a w N '

January 2018

New Painting | Mixed Media and Installation on 75x75 canvas.

 ' Μ Ǝ Τ Α Μ 0 R P H O S I S '    

November 2017


' A V Α L 4 N C H 3 '
SNUZ 2017

New Painting |Mixed Media and Installation on Canvas.

' Another Year Passing us by '

Happy New Year 2018!!!

Another Year passing us by...time flies. 2017 started the worst way possible for me, so many struggles and emotional breaks happened during this year. Been through a lot this time so many changes but I had to move on with it and maintain to what I believe and keep up with my life. It's important to have something to hold on and never give up.

It was hard to stay focused on Graffiti and Paint with all that going on, limited time free and moving every few months, but somehow I feel satisfied with everything I've manage to get done. Made my first ever Paintings and canvas, my own website and experimented more.. Feels like I realized more ways to improve and evolve my Style. I know things are gonna get really serious next year! 2018 will be my 15th Anniversary as a Graffiti Writer. Been doing this More than half of my life now...

Dark days are over and I see Light ahead.. I' ve come a long way within one year, Moved in another Country seeking new opportunities and chances, I can't wait bring it to the next level at 2018, hopefully will blow!

' R I S I N '

New Drawing | SNUZ 2017

' D R E A M  A W A K E '

October 2017

I drawed this piece back to 2015...I remember her sleeping next to me and I wanted to keep this moment sealed forever in my mind. So I grabbed a pencil and my blackbook and started drawing her silhouette...I was keeping this sketch hidden for the moment. They say all good things come to an end after all. So this is for you..it's been amazing all these years..thank you for your support, love and trust in me.

' E N L I G H T Ξ N M Ǝ N T '
SNUZ 2017

New Artwork | Mixed media on Paper

  • - Fillin'The Gap -
    SNUZ FREE-Z 2017

After some time off I'm now 'Back to the Game' to fill the gap with a trip visit to Athens. Painted this alongside ΠΛΑΤΩΝ - SPANT

-Commission Work-
Municipal Theatre
SNUZ 2017

Few months ago they entrusted me to paint some walls inside the municipal Theatre of my town. There was no plan to go with, they asked me to restore some old walls and paint them with my Style. I made the whole thing freestyle and the result came out pretty well for everyone!

Thanks for giving me the chance to paint and leaving my mark on a historical for my city building.

' F A L L I N '

SNUZ 2017

New Artwork | Mixed media on Paper

- Me Against the Wall -

SNUZ 2017

' E N D L E S S  D R E A M '

SNUZ 2017

New Artwork | Mixed Media on Paper


I started doing graffiti at the age of Twelve, I always wanted my letters to be different than all other styles and be unique, so they can recognize that it's me even if they don't realize what it says. I always try to give my letters movement and contrast in colors so people who don't like graffiti see my work and appreciate what they see even if they don't get it!

I do this 100% for me and it's only personal issue of me expressing myself the best way I know. It's not about the fame or getting the attention it's all about what I do, this is me!

I write SNUZ and That's my Style! You can hate it or love it but you can't ignore it!

SNUZ Final Piece 2016

' I N F I N I T Y '

The style I picked to be my last wall for 2016 is something I made back on summer 2015, I was holding back on this one for a long time, but you know what they say...timing is everything! I wanted to express the infinite version of my style and take it to the next level where there's no limits! The abandoned spot was the perfect fit to make contrast of colours that giving life where it doesn't exist.

Happy New Year


As we say goodbye to 2016 leaving behind all bad things and keeping only the best memories, I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year!!!  2017 will be a really interesting year, there's a lot of things I want to do, things that I had in store for a while waiting for the right moment to pull out and other things I haven't done yet but can't wait to see them happen. Let's see how far this dream can take me...

Thanks Everyone Supporting me, family, friends and those checking out my site, at December you guys almost exceed the traffic limit! So thank you!!
Stay tuned for more great things to Come!


New Wall

